-1st offense 1 day ban
-2nd offense 1 week ban
-3rd offense Permanantly banned
Rule #1 : Attacking other users
Flaming or attacking other users or moderators. If your post doesn't have any constructive feedback, then do not bother even posting it. Do NOT post threads or posts about other users or moderators. If you feel that you are being harassed by another user, immediately tell a moderator.
Rule #2 : Inappropriate Language
Comments which include sexual, racist, or violent content are not tolerated. Adding symbols or replacing the letters with numbers, or any form of editing the words does not change the intent. Do not talk about sex on this website as some people find it offensive. (Or people are too young like me to hear about this >_>) Please have some self-control over yourself when posting. Quoting an inappropriate post is not allowed, if you find that you or someone else has quoted something inappropriate, immediately edit your post or inform that person of Forum Rule #2.
Rule #3 : Referrals or Advertising
Do not promote your own thread in another person's, your post will simply be deleted. Please don't post your referral links to website such as Prizerebel, glidegold, etc. Anybody trying to advertise other websites without permission will have their thread deleted and may be suspended. Do not post chain letters, those annoy me.
Rule #4 : False Titles
Naming your thread as something else to lure people into your thread is not allowed. If your title is unclear a moderator may delete/lock or modify the thread.
Rule #5 : Trolling, Flame Baiting, Spamming, Memes, Parody Threads, Bumping
Do not troll the forums like an idiot, or moderators will suspend you. If your post is off-topic or aggravating, or is capable of causing an argument, then your post will be deleted and you will be suspended. Please stay on topic. If you quote a bad post you may be suspended as well. Posts that are useless and don't contribute (AKA Spam) will be deleted and the user may receive a suspension depending on the moderator's decision. Don't spam the threads with multiple posts (Like triple posting in a row instead of editing your previous posts), and don't bump a thread. Meme's are not tolerated (Screamers, Rick Roll, Objection!, etc.) and you will be suspended for them. If you quote a meme you may be suspended as well. We ask you to please do not post Parody Threads like Peach is cool, Peach is hot, Peach is flat, Peach is "insert adjective". Any "random silliness is to be directed to the "Peachy SPAM" category
Rule #6 : Impersonating another user
Pretending to be another person that you aren't will lead to suspension. Also, if you create multiple accounts, then each account shall be deleted.
Rule #7 : Personal Information
DO NOT POST ANOTHER PERSON'S PERSONAL INFORMATION. You will be permanently banned if you are found posting another persons address, credit card numbers, phone numbers, IM addresses, e-mail, etc. Please respect one another.
Rule #8 : No plagiarism
If you ever borrow or use someone's work, please credit them and do not pass it off as your own.
This includes guides, fanart, discoveries, etc. (P.S. I don't really care if you get your display picture off google, everyone does that on the internet now)
-1st offense 1 day ban
-2nd offense 1 week ban
-3rd offense Permanantly banned
Rule #1 : Attacking other users
Flaming or attacking other users or moderators. If your post doesn't have any constructive feedback, then do not bother even posting it. Do NOT post threads or posts about other users or moderators. If you feel that you are being harassed by another user, immediately tell a moderator.
Rule #2 : Inappropriate Language
Comments which include sexual, racist, or violent content are not tolerated. Adding symbols or replacing the letters with numbers, or any form of editing the words does not change the intent. Do not talk about sex on this website as some people find it offensive. (Or people are too young like me to hear about this >_>) Please have some self-control over yourself when posting. Quoting an inappropriate post is not allowed, if you find that you or someone else has quoted something inappropriate, immediately edit your post or inform that person of Forum Rule #2.
Rule #3 : Referrals or Advertising
Do not promote your own thread in another person's, your post will simply be deleted. Please don't post your referral links to website such as Prizerebel, glidegold, etc. Anybody trying to advertise other websites without permission will have their thread deleted and may be suspended. Do not post chain letters, those annoy me.
Rule #4 : False Titles
Naming your thread as something else to lure people into your thread is not allowed. If your title is unclear a moderator may delete/lock or modify the thread.
Rule #5 : Trolling, Flame Baiting, Spamming, Memes, Parody Threads, Bumping
Do not troll the forums like an idiot, or moderators will suspend you. If your post is off-topic or aggravating, or is capable of causing an argument, then your post will be deleted and you will be suspended. Please stay on topic. If you quote a bad post you may be suspended as well. Posts that are useless and don't contribute (AKA Spam) will be deleted and the user may receive a suspension depending on the moderator's decision. Don't spam the threads with multiple posts (Like triple posting in a row instead of editing your previous posts), and don't bump a thread. Meme's are not tolerated (Screamers, Rick Roll, Objection!, etc.) and you will be suspended for them. If you quote a meme you may be suspended as well. We ask you to please do not post Parody Threads like Peach is cool, Peach is hot, Peach is flat, Peach is "insert adjective". Any "random silliness is to be directed to the "Peachy SPAM" category
Rule #6 : Impersonating another user
Pretending to be another person that you aren't will lead to suspension. Also, if you create multiple accounts, then each account shall be deleted.
Rule #7 : Personal Information
DO NOT POST ANOTHER PERSON'S PERSONAL INFORMATION. You will be permanently banned if you are found posting another persons address, credit card numbers, phone numbers, IM addresses, e-mail, etc. Please respect one another.
Rule #8 : No plagiarism
If you ever borrow or use someone's work, please credit them and do not pass it off as your own.
This includes guides, fanart, discoveries, etc. (P.S. I don't really care if you get your display picture off google, everyone does that on the internet now)
Last edited by Marc on Sat Nov 13, 2010 6:49 pm; edited 4 times in total (Reason for editing : serious business)